Pokémon FireRed Cheats

1-Hit Kills82024082 0001 
Always Normal Status320242D4 0000 
Instant Level Up After Battle [L+R+Up To Activate, L+R+Down To De-Activate]74000130 00BF
32023D50 0032
74000130 007F
32023D50 0000
Free Items at Poke Marts8203993C 0000 
Max Infinite Items (Deposit)830050A8 0320Deposit 1 Item to deposit 255 of an item
Withdraw 1 Item to withdraw 255 of an item
Items in your Inventory DO NOT decrease
When selling items, sell price multiples by 255
example: Repel ($175) Sell 1 and (>more>)
Status Modifer320242D4 00??00 Normal
01 Sleep
08 Poisen
10 Burned
20 Frozen
40 Paralyzed
Level Modifier320242D8 00?? 
Current HP820242DA 03E7 
Max HP820242DC 03E7 
Attack320242DE 00FF 
Defense320242E0 00FF 
Speed320242E2 00FF 
SP.Attack320242E4 00FF 
SP.Defense320242E6 00FF 
Current PP Move132022BD0 0063 
Current PP Move232022BD1 0063 
Current PP Move332022BD2 0063 
Current PP Move432022BD3 0063 
Infinite PP [All Moves]82022BD0 6363
82022BD2 6363
Max PP Move 132022BD4 0063 
Max PP Move 232022BD5 0063 
Max PP Move 332022BD6 0063 
Max PP Move 432022BD7 0063 
Max PP [All Moves]82022BD4 6363
82022BD6 6363
Max Inf PP [All Moves]42022BD0 6363
00000004 0002